The Easiest S'mores Cookie Cake

Okay, it has been a good 3 months or so since I last posted on here and I'm soooo sorry. My family and I moved to Miami and for the past 3 months I haven't had a desk to work on and all my craft stuff was in a box. Now that we are settled and everything is unpacked I can get back into posting! So, get ready for weekly posts! Now, for the threadedbobbins comeback I made a s'mores cookie cake that I really enjoyed and I want you to enjoy it too.

chocolate chips or a chocolate bar
mini marshmallows 
large marshmallows (optional)
graham crackers
\cookie dough
cookie cake pan

1. Preheat oven to 375˚F.
2. Put the cookie dough in a bowl, add graham cracker crumbs.

3. Spread your dough across the pan. Add more graham cracker crumbs and chocolate chips.
3. Bake for 10 minutes.
4. Take the cake out of the oven after 10 minutes and add marshmallows. Bake for another 3-4 minutes. Change your oven to broil and put the cake bake in for about 2 minutes.
5. Now, take it out of the oven, let it cool, and eat up!

update: I made it again, this time in a rectangle, with large marshmallows as well and instead of putting it back in for a few minutes I changed the oven to broil and put them in for 2 minutes. The marshmallows were nice a brown and oh so soft. yummm


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