Hey! So, I've been wanting to make some sort of bowl for awhile and I remembered that I had a stack of Time magazines that my sister gave me for whatever. The first thing that I could think of was this magazine bowl I made 2 years go in art class, now I've made it again. It's very easy to make, it's just very time consuming (naturally I started watching H2O so that I wouldn't get bored).
1. Tear one page in half.
2. Take one half and make a crease in the middle. Fold the edge in, then fold it in again.
3. Do the same for the other side, fold it in half.
4. Continue until you feel like you have enough
(what I have pictured isn't enough, I used 3 Time magazines.)
5. Tape together all the ends.
6. Start to roll it up, roll it VERY tightly.
7. Your roll will keep getting bigger and bigger, make sure it is TIGHT.
8. One you're done, tape the end down. Start forming it into the shape of a bowl. When you like how it looks use a sponge/paintbrush to apply glue all over it so it will stay in place.
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