DIY Faux Fur Pillow

Hi everyone! I'm still slowly adding things to my room and eventually I'll do a room reveal, but for now I will show you how I made this faux fur throw pillow. I did not sew at all for this project and I finished very quickly! Above, I have it on my bed, but I then gave it to my sister since she wanted more pillows on her bed. 
(Check back next week for a special 1st Birthday Post! I had lots of fun making what i'll show you and you get to meet my sister!)

what you need...
pillow form (whatever size you want)
1/2 yd-1 yd of fur
glue gun

1. Measure out how much fabric you need to fit perfectly over your pillow and cut.
You should have one long piece.

2. Fold the fur inside and pin around the edges, leave a gap big enough for you to squeeze the small side of the pillow into.
3. Remove a pin and add hot glue directly onto the fur, continue all the way around (except for the gap) and make sure everything is sticking down well.

4. Turn it right side out and carefully add the pillow form. Fold the edges of the opening in and glue it down. Make sure you didn't miss any spots (I had a few small openings here and there), 
and you're done!

DON'T FORGET this Sunday, September 18th is the one year anniversary of Threadedbobbins! I hope you'll come by to see what I made and share with your friends!

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